FL Route 52 at I-75 Closed, Detour for Several Nights Next Week

I-75 Traffic | I-75 Construction | Tampa Florida Road Construction | I-75 Exit Guide

The Florida Department of Transportation reports that State Road 52 may be closed under I-75 between 9:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. Tuesday through Thursday (March 14 – 16) nights as crews set beams for a new northbound I-75 bridge over SR 52. All interchange ramps will be open, but traffic will not be able to cross under I-75 on SR 52.

DETOUR: Traffic will be detoured onto the interstate to the next interchange and then back onto the interstate in the other direction to exit at SR 52 and continue in the original travel direction. Here are the specific detour directions:

EASTBOUND SR 52 DETOUR: Eastbound SR 52 traffic will be directed onto southbound I-75 then directed to exit at CR 54 (Exit 279). Traffic will turn left off the exit ramp and cross under I-75, then turn left and enter northbound I-75 to Exit 285 and go right off the ramp onto eastbound SR 52.

WESTBOUND SR 52 DETOUR: Westbound SR 52 traffic will be directed onto northbound Interstate 75 then directed to exit at CR 41 (Exit 293). Traffic will turn right off the ramp and cross over I-75, then turn left and enter southbound I-75 to Exit 285 and go right off the ramp onto westbound SR 52.

For more I-75 construction info, visit  www.i75exitguide.com, the Internet’s largest and most complete website devoted to I-75, America’s Interstate Main Street. Detailed exit service listings… discount lodging, camping, food, gas and more for every exit from Michigan to Florida! Plus I-75 construction, real-time traffic and road news.

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