I-75 to US 301 Has a New, Temporary Exit in Florida

I-75 Traffic | I-75 Construction | Tampa Florida Road Construction | I-75 Exit Guide

The Florida Department of Transportation reports that the southbound I-75 Exit 254 to US 301 (to the frontage ramp lanes) has been temporarily relocated about one mile to the north.

Traffic is currently using the same exit as the Selmon Expressway (Exit 256) and staying on the frontage ramps all the way from the SR 60 area to US 301. This temporary exit for US 301 is expected to be in place until mid-August, when the previous exit point will reopen.

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I-75 Exit Guide
One of the most complete road travel resources of its kind on the Internet! The Interstate 75 Exit Information Guide features exit service listings for the entire length of I-75 from Michigan to Florida! Food, gas, lodging, rest areas, attractions and more…