Tennessee DOT Halts Highway Construction on I-75 for Holidays

I-75 Traffic | I-75 Construction Tennessee Road Construction | I-75 Exit Guide

Road construction won’t delay I-75 travelers during the Christmas and New Year’s holidays. The Tennessee Department of Transportation is once again halting all lane closure activity on I-75 and other interstates and state highways in anticipation of higher traffic volumes across the state. No temporary lane closures will be allowed for construction on Tennessee roadways beginning at 8:00 p.m. Friday, December 22, 2017 until 6:00 a.m. Tuesday, January 2, 2018.

“With over two million drivers expected to travel Tennessee roadways during the Christmas and New Year’s holidays, keeping traffic moving and getting motorists to their destinations safely is our top priority,” said TDOT Commissioner John Schroer. “As always, please wear your seatbelt, reduce your speed, avoid distractions, and never drink and drive.”

Except for a few long-term closures which must remain in place for safety, all construction related closures will be suspended during the holiday period. Workers may still be on-site in some construction zones. Drivers should obey all posted speed limits, particularly in construction areas. Slower speeds are necessary in work zones due to the temporary layout of the roadway and will be enforced. Drivers convicted of speeding through work zones where workers are present face a fine of $250 to $500, plus court fees and possible increased insurance premiums.

For more I-75 construction info, visit  www.i75exitguide.com, the Internet’s largest and most complete website devoted to I-75, America’s Interstate Main Street. Detailed exit service listings… discount lodging, camping, food, gas and more for every exit from Michigan to Florida! Plus I-75 construction, real-time traffic and road news.

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I-75 Exit Guide
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